
Refund Policy


  • Billing:

    • Unless otherwise noted, all prices or fees exclude all applicable taxes (sales, value-added, use or other), levies, or duties imposed by taxing authorities (“Taxes”), and you shall be responsible for payment of all applicable Taxes.
  • Refunds:

    • Except as otherwise provided in any applicable Service Terms, or as otherwise agreed in writing by the parties, under no circumstance will we provide you any refunds on any fees or charges for the Services. If you believe your situation warrants a refund, you must contact Umbrella and submit your request within seven (7) days of the applicable payment to be considered for a refund. All refund requests will be evaluated by us in our sole discretion on a case-by-case basis.
    • If your request was reviewed and approved in writing by us, you will receive the refund on your original payment method unless indicated otherwise within 30 days of the refund being issued.
  • Disputes and Chargebacks:

    • You agree to contact Umbrella before issuing a chargeback or disputing any payments made on the Site or the Services. You understand that doing otherwise is a violation of the Terms, and may result in the suspension or termination of your Account and company profile.